garden plant 栽培植物。
栽培植物。 “garden“ 中文翻譯: n. 加登〔姓氏〕。 “plant“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.植物,草木 (opp. animal); 草本 ...“plant garden business hotel“ 中文翻譯: 植園商務酒店“garden“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.庭園;花園;菜園;果園。 2.〔pl.〕 公園,(動、植物)園;露天飲食店。 3.〔pl.〕 〔英國〕(一排或數排房屋并種有樹木的)…廣場,…街。 土地肥沃的地區,精耕細作的土地。 4.〔G-〕 〔美國〕新澤西州的別名。 5.〔the G-〕 伊壁鳩魯 (Epicurus) 學派。 Everything in your garden is nice. 你家園子里的一切都是好的〔反語,其真實含義為:“別把你家的一切都看得那么美!”〕。 a back garden 后花園。 botanical [zoological] gardens 植[動]物園。 a kitchen garden菜園。 a market garden供應市場菜蔬、花果的農圃。 nursery garden苗圃。 a public garden公園。 Queen's G- 女王廣場。 common or garden 普通的,平凡的。 G- of Eden (《圣經》中所說亞當和夏娃所住的)伊甸園,沒有罪惡的圣潔之地。 lead sb. up [down] the garden (path) 使迷惑,誘人誤入歧途。 the G- of the Gods (美國 Colorado Springs 市附近的)奇巖園地帶。 adj. 1.花園的,果園的。 2.花園似的,風光優美的。 3.生長于園中的,在園中栽培的〔相對于野生的而言〕。 4.普通的,平凡的,老一套的。 vi. 栽培花木,從事園藝。 garden for pleasure 栽培花木以自娛。 vt. 把…開辟為花園[菜園、果園]。 n. 加登〔姓氏〕。 “in the garden“ 中文翻譯: 游園; 園中; 在花園里“the garden“ 中文翻譯: 庭院森森“in plant“ 中文翻譯: 在生長發育中; 在生長中“in-plant“ 中文翻譯: 廠內的; 近距離的, 局部的“on-plant“ 中文翻譯: 廠內的“plant“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.植物,草木 (opp. animal); 草本;〔商用語〕樹秧,苗木。 2.莊稼,作物,收獲;(植物的)生育。 3.設備,裝置;(工)廠,車間;(農)場;(研究所、醫院、大學等的)全部設備。 4.智力工作的工具〔書籍、實驗儀器等〕;方法。 5.〔俚語〕花招,詐欺;欺詐者。 6.〔英俚〕偵探。 7.(戲劇的)伏線。 8.〔美俚〕假裝觀眾的演員;(在歹徒等中布置的)內線。 9.有計劃的犯罪;贓品隱藏庫;歹徒巢窟;鴉片館;(逮捕罪犯的)圈套。 a pot plant 盆栽植物。 flowering plants 顯花植物。 ball plants 帶土(秧)苗。 cabbage plants 甘藍秧。 the humble [sensitive] plant 含羞草。 a manufacturing plant 制造廠。 a water [hydraulic] power plant 水力發電廠。 an arms plant 兵工廠。 a robotized plant 自動化工廠。 in plant 生長者,活著。 lose plant 枯死。 miss [fail in] plant 長不出;不發芽。 vt. 1.栽(樹、花),播(種);移植(植物);移民于(某處),殖(民)。 2.養(蠔等);放養(魚)。 3.安,放,裝,豎,插;創立,建設,設置,設立,樹立;布置(內線)。 4.刺,扎,插進 (in on) (把子彈)打進;〔俚語〕給與(打擊);〔拳擊俚〕看準打。 5.傳播,散播(新思想等),灌輸 (in)。 6.〔美俚〕埋,窩藏(贓品等);栽(贓)。 7.〔俚語〕把(砂金或礦砂等)放在礦里誘人來買;圖謀(欺騙等)。 plant a garden 培植庭園。 plant ideas in mind 把思想灌輸到心中。 plant one's fists in sb.'s face 用拳頭猛打某人的臉。 plant soldiers as colonists in the frontier districts 在邊境地區駐軍屯墾。 plant on 〔俚語〕拿假東西(賣)給人;向某人栽贓(把贓證暗藏在某人處,使他成為嫌疑犯)。 plant oneself 占一個位置;站住;站起來。 plant out (從盆等中)移植(到地上);隔相當的距離栽植;【造園】栽種植物遮住…。 -let 樹苗,小樹。 “s-plant“ 中文翻譯: 感病植株“to plant“ 中文翻譯: 栽植“garden chair, garden seat“ 中文翻譯: 園椅“garden fence, garden hedge“ 中文翻譯: 園籬“garden instrument, garden implement“ 中文翻譯: 園林工具“garden instrument,garden implement“ 中文翻譯: 園林工具“garden layout, garden construction“ 中文翻譯: 園林施工“garden; nursery garden“ 中文翻譯: 園圃“(garden of pe“ 中文翻譯: 平和花園“a formal garden“ 中文翻譯: 整齊的傳統式花園“a garden patch“ 中文翻譯: 一塊園地“a garden syringe“ 中文翻譯: 澆花用的噴水器“a garden wall“ 中文翻譯: 花園的墻“a herb garden“ 中文翻譯: 芳草園“a prim garden“ 中文翻譯: 整潔的園子
The indoor booth provided general information about greening initiatives and vegetation of hong kong , while the outdoor display featured a western style garden with the theme of “ hong kong garden plants “ 室內展館介紹有關香港的綠化工作及本港各地區的植物覆蓋面積;而室外景點則展出一個以香港園林植物為主題的西式花園。 |
The indoor booth provided general information about greening initiatives and vegetation of hong kong , while the outdoor display featured a western style garden with the theme of “ hong kong garden plants “ 室內展館介紹有關香港的綠化工作及本港各地區的植物覆蓋面積;而室外景點則展出一個以香港園林植物為主題的西式花園。 |
garden plot |
1506 pieces of the wild ornamental plant pictures were chosen , whose were taken in the filed , were in good condition and can reflect the basic appreciation characteristic . the characteristic criterion was judged by 25 persons including expert , professor , manager and graduate student , who are from the difference research fields in garden plant , forest nursing , forest management and forest conservation . the results were conducted by psychology and physical sense in door 選取1506張野外拍攝的、效果較好的、能夠客觀反映植物基本觀賞特性的野生觀賞植物照片,以園林植物、森林培育、森林經理、森林保護等專業的專家、教授、管理人員和研究生等25人評判者,采用心理物理學法對野生觀賞植物觀賞特性進行室內評判,得出數量化評價指標。 |
Five chitosan samples ( 3 . 8 10 ^ 5 , 7 . 8 10 ^ 4 , 4 . 8 10 ^ 4 , 1 . 7 10 ^ 4 , 2 . 3 10 ^ 3 ) were used to investigate their activity in vitro against phytopathogenic fungi , which caused anthracnose on garden plants such as euonymus japonicus , ophiopogon japonics and magnolia grandiflora , and rot on fraxinus hupehensis 采用平板法研究了殼聚糖系列樣品對大葉黃楊炭疽病、沿階草炭疽病、廣玉蘭炭疽病和對節白蠟腐爛病等庭院植物病原真菌的體外抗菌性能。 |
Everything about it had a grand air , - - the apartments of the bishop , the drawing - rooms , the chambers , the principal courtyard , which was very large , with walks encircling it under arcades in the old florentine fashion , and gardens planted with magnificent trees 其中一切都具有豪華的氣派,主教的私邸,大小客廳,各種房間,相當寬敞的院子,具有佛羅倫薩古代風格的穹窿的回廊,樹木蒼翠的園子。 |
The indoor booth provided general information about greening initiatives and vegetation of hong kong , while the outdoor display featured a western style garden with the theme of “ hong kong garden plants “ 室內展館介紹有關香港的綠化工作及本港各地區的植物覆蓋面積;而室外景點則展出一個以香港園林植物為主題的西式花園。 |
The important locational conditions for developing gardening industry includes three dimensions : historical origin , physical environment for cultivating gardening plants , the policy of specialized gardening area in tien - wei 其區位優勢在于:適合花卉生長的自然環境、悠久的種植花卉歷史背景、公路花園園藝專業區的政策規劃。 |
41 guestrooms of 5 room types are available , according to the 3 - star standard , and the architecture of the hotel embodies classical chinese yard with dainty garden plants and corridors 賓館建筑面積一千四百平方米,按三星級標準建造,共設計有三層樓面五種套型四十一間客房。 |
By analyzing the characters of garden plants in dagang district , it discussed the main insect pests and the most appropriate methods for insect control 摘要通過對大港區園林植物的品種及特點分析確定主要的病蟲害防治對象,采取有針對性的防治措施,達到有效控制病蟲害的目的。 |
32 yet when planted , it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants , with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade . 32但種上以后,就長起來,比各樣的菜都大,又長出大枝牡3 ,甚至天上的飛鳥可以宿在他的蔭下。 |
Garden plants and orchard trees are similar , but they have different life cycles , partly accounting for their differences in requirements and cost 花園里的植物和果樹園里的樹是很相似的,但它們有不同的生命周期,主要是它們的需求和花費不同。 |
Yet when planted , it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants , with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade . 32但種上以后,就長起來,比各樣的菜都大,又長出大枝來。甚至天上的飛鳥,可以宿在它的蔭下。 |
[ bbe ] do not have your vine - garden planted with two sorts of seed : or all of it may become a loss , the seed you have put in as well as the increase 不可把兩樣種子種在你的葡萄園里、免得你撒種所結的、和葡萄園的果子都要充公。 |
The host plants were ornamental plants , perennial / biennial root garden plants , woody flower plants , cover plants and pulpy plants , and so on 為害的寄主植物有觀賞樹木、宿根園林植物、木本花卉植物、地被植物及多漿植物等。 |
Based on the research on garden plant diseases in guiyan of guizhou province , twenty - eight kinds of fungal diseases were identified 摘要通過對貴州省貴陽市園林植物的病害種類調查,鑒定出28種真菌病害。 |
Very similar to a hedgehog , except that the knarl takes offense easily and will wreak havoc on garden plants ( fb ) 和刺猬很相似,除此之外它的攻擊性很強,會大肆踐踏花園的花木來發泄怒火(神奇動物) 。 |
In this valley were magnificent gardens planted by hassen - ben - sabah , and in these gardens isolated pavilions 在這片山谷里,有山中老人海森班莎所培植的美麗的花園,花園里,有孤立的亭臺樓閣。 |
Garden plant finder . searchable by garden conditions and design requirements such as flower color , size and growth habit -介紹花與生活盆景園地花店花藝花卉裝飾插花藝術。 |
Influence of reclaimed water irrigation on the mineral elements , chlorophyll and membrane infiltration of seven garden plants 澆灌再生水對7種盆栽園林植物影響研究 |